Review of 2009 fic meme

Jan 05, 2010 21:30

So, I’m finally doing this meme! Self-indulgent, but valuable - and I’m enjoying catching up on everybody else’s review memes.

First some stats:

2009’s wordcount: 131 200

BOO YEAH! This wordcount includes ‘real’ posts to LJ and original work as well as fanfic. But still. WOOT! Thank you to last year’s 200-words-a-day resolution: it forced me to prioritise writing. Also, it reminded me that a: writing being really fun doesn’t make it a bad indulgence you should ignore in favour of your friends and b: writing being really hard doesn’t make it a chore you should ignore in favour of your friends.

2009’s fics: 7
2009’s ficlets: 16

2009’s sets of drabbles: 12
2009’s drabbles: 63

Under the circumstances, I’m answering with a fic and a drabble/drabble set for every question. Mostly drabble sets, which are often effectively fics.

Favorite story this year: Tough, but it’s got to be Harry Potter, Sex Fiend. Just a fluffy little flogging fic, but it makes me happy. I like that it has little moments following logically from wizarding culture, and that it's under 2k without feeling over-short. Loving BDSM ftw!

My favourite drabble set is The Second Time, which has sad!Harry being healed by protective!Draco. With his penis.

Best story this year: Probably Tangible Benefits, although I find it hard to tell. I was really pleased with this fic. When I was writing it I seemed able to do that only in 400-word bursts, but it was worth it.

On the drabble front, it's After The End.

Most underappreciated by the universe: Riots (Are A Public Menace). I like this, personally; Ron is, I think, canonically rather conservative (small c) and would struggle with not joining the comfortable Establishment.

Of the drabbles, it’s probably Mistake. It’s Willow/Tara, which may well be why; but I really like it, because it’s all perky-Tara-finds-happiness then goes chilling on the last line.

Most fun story: Bad Behaviour. This fic was damaged by the 1500 word limit - I could have dealt with that better - but it has Harry and Draco being silly, was a lot of fun to write, and has a twist at the end that made people laugh.

Fuck The Formalities is a very fun little drabble, featuring Ron trying to court Draco.

Sexiest story: I think it’s Making A Politician Shut Up: A Lover’s Guide. It’s been a while since I wrote something from the sub’s perspective and I was a little worried, because Draco gets so overwhelmed in this fic and I thought it might come out all rambly and purple. But, er, people seemed to like it. :) Plus, I finally wrote smut with a ring-gag! I love gags, especially ones that add a soupcon of humiliation.

Drabble-wise, it’s hopefully one of the smutty drabbles I wrote on request for May Day. Or perhaps Hold Me Down.

New fandom/pairing/genre/kink: There have been so many this year! I wrote femmeslash and het for the first time. I also got into Merlin, though I’ve yet to write any fic for it. Lots of new kinks, most notably gags (Making A Politician Shut Up: A Lover’s Guide) and boot worship (These Boots Aren’t Made For Walking). New pairings, too - Percy/Draco, Pansy/Hermione, Hermione/Luna, and Blackcest (the sisterly version) all made appearances.

The newest, though, was probably my first ficlet about (in a sense) the Marauders generation, Parallels. I did ‘magic used for sex’ properly for the first time in the drabble set I wrote for the “teasing” square on my Kink Bingo card, The Horrible, Vicious Little Tease In This Relationship.

Fandom/pairing/genre/kink you never thought you’d write: Boot worship. This was a slightly-cheating response to the ‘foot fetish’ square on my Kink Bingo card. These Boots Aren’t Made For Walking was a fun bit of Buffy/Spike smut; I liked writing it, especially since now I have full-length slash, femmeslash and het PWPs under my belt.

Anarchy In The USA. - I absolutely love val_trepkos’ Riley/Spike series, but I’d never have expected to write it myself.

"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you”: Corruption. It has a Weasley mistreating Draco, which is something I highly enjoy. The abuse of institutional power - a prisoner is about to be abused by someone charged with protection of prisoners - added to the stripping by the guards and implication of rape by fellow prisoners added together makes it the most ‘wrong’ thing I’ve written this year, I think.


Of the drabbles... there’s plenty of non/dub-con, but I write that fairly regularly. Out-of-the-ordinary wrong was probably the cesty drabble Reasons To Smile.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Greeks Bearing Gifts, perhaps. I've always thought of Angelus as a family man, and as functioning almost as a god to Dru and Spike; but writing this fic made me think about Angelus as having a God complex himself and how it might inform his family-man traits. The drabble’s also Buffyverse: Vampire Groupie. Although it’s pretty canon, the idea of this non-passive naughtiness in series #2 Buffy surprised me.

Hardest story to write: Either Tangible Benefits, which as I mentioned I seemed able to write only in small bursts, or Someone Should Introduce Him To Placebo. The prompt for that was ‘in my heart there are furies and sorrows’; consequently I kept trying to write angst before I just went for snarky darkfic.

The hardest drabble was Booted, which is a set of drabbles featuring exhibitionistic Harry/Draco smut. Mostly because I wrote half of it, then broke the memory stick and was consequently bitter and awkward about re-writing it.

Easiest story to write: Harry Potter, Sex Fiend. Hands down.

Of the drabbles, it was Patience: character-driven, darker-than-it-seems smut. It’s what I like to write best, so I’m not surprised it was easy.

Biggest disappointment: St Michael The Archangel; I think going for the I-lost-my-twin angst was a bit cheap; the ficlet’s not bad, but it’s been done before.

It’s Too Early For This -- my first little step into Harry/Scorpius should’ve been less mediocre.

Biggest surprise: St Michael The Archangel. I wrote gen! And not just gen, but gen about George Weasley. I hate George Weasley! The twins' brand of careless cruelty infuriates me! And I wrote about how sad George was that his amoral clone was dead!

The most surprising drabble? Probably the PG-rated Angelus/William: Training.

Story with single sweetest moment:

“You helped.”

“Thanks, Potter.” Malfoy beamed up at him, his cheeks flushed. Harry resisted the urge to fix Malfoy’s rumpled collar; he didn’t want to get told off for taking advantage of a drunken blond, even if the blond himself would hate to be seen ruffled at a party. “You helped too,” Malfoy said seriously. “I’m sure.”

“Thanks, Malfoy,” Harry said, mouth twitching. That was the most unexpected - and endearing - vote of confidence he’d had, in the month since he’d defeated Voldemort.

Aww! Drunk!Draco reassuring Harry that he too helped defeat Voldemort! This is, naturally, from a fic I wrote to cheer up lavillanueva, In Vino Veritas (et Libido).

Drabble cuteness comes predictably from my Smitten Series, the drabble series where I allow myself to be fluffy and fanon and silly. From I Already Am:

“You’ll be mine, won’t you?” he murmured.

“What?” Draco said dozily, shifting.

“Ssh, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep, baby, nobody will bother you.”

Draco made a drowsy, agreeing “mmm,” noise and relaxed against Harry’s chest. Harry hugged the warm, heavy weight to himself, loving how easily Draco fell asleep in this Gryffindor room, trusting Harry to protect him.

Then came the murmur, so quiet Harry only just caught it.

“I already am.”

The story that made you cry: So far my own fic’s never made me cry... What made me really sad wasn’t the stuff featuring character death or the Kiss, but sad, slow decay like the kind that happens every day: the slow corruption in You Were Here, and the bloodless death of a relationship in The Opposite of Love.

Story I want remembered: Markings is the little drabble set I want remembered; it’s Ron/Draco fluff, and sort of expresses why I like the pairing. I think, anyway. Of the fics, it’s Making A Politician Shut Up: A Lover’s Guide. Kinky H/D ftw!

writing, memes

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