May 22, 2012 15:27
1) plants growing in orange peels were put in dirt thursday. this morning, I found them dug up and eaten. That's one goblin not coming though :(
2) Beans coming up. No peas yet, but no signs of furry things trying to eat them either.
3) ground cherries look happy and the one for EGK that bent seems to be recovering below. must find EGK and give her groundcherries!
4) several morning glories coming up. I'm not sure if they are the ones I intentionally planted.
5) work basil still going.
6) work pea is desperate for dirt.
7) one work groundcherry died, one is dying, and 2 are very happy.
8) either oregano or thyme coming up and still there.
9) the air plants show no signs of change and are still teeny.
10) asparagus likes rott's pot, and has put out a second stalk.
11) mimosa has spikes I never knew would exist at the woody middle- not the top or the base.
12) generally everything survived the weekend better than I expected or feared.
13) braaaaaaiiiiinnnnnzzzz...