Title: Turning Left
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, OFC
Word Count: 219
Notes: Brain fart. Read
A Punch-Up At A Wedding and had this come upon me. Don't have anyone in mind for the parent, particularly. *is random*
"Sir? Mr. Malfoy?"
Lucius turns and glares at the girl, his son's age or younger, clearly not in their social circle because he doesn't know her and he thinks she might be wearing Muggle clothing, styled after Wizard garb.
"Yes?" He's ice, he's not bothered at all by the liquid brown eyes and shaggily familiar brown hair.
"Sir, my Daddy went to your wedding and he waited in the woods and he saw you tell them lies and burn the willow boughs. He says you're as pure as you ever were, even in school, but he's purer still." She doesn't seem to understand what she's saying.
Lucius is most assuredly not bothered. He is not. If he were bothered, he would have to remember the days before his wedding, and he doesn't want to. Those days are over. They cannot be resurrected and he cannot be saved.
"What is your father's name?"
The girl shakes her head. "I'm not allowed to say. You're supposed to know. He said if you didn't know, you didn't deserve to."
"What is your name?"
That makes her smile, and she doesn't answer. He expected it. He knows who sent her, now.
As he draws his wand, he wonders if the girl's father remembers the days before that wedding as clearly as he believes.
X-posted to my regular journal,