Another Day in the Life

Oct 21, 2008 14:11

First of all, Ren Faire was an incredible amount of fun. There was street theater, Medieval Baebes (a Renaissance music band I'm rather fond of), stores I actually *like* to shop in (although rarely buy anything in), and jousting. I got a mask for Masquerade and my little sister's birthday present taken care of. What more could I ask for? I was actually wearing decent garb this year, too (Morgan, in fact, remarked upon this).

Of course, we were almost a bit of street theater ourselves outside the gates. We were running slightly late, got there about fifteen minutes after it opened (the goal had been ten minutes before opening). The fencing club had gotten tired of waiting for us, bought their tickets, and gone inside. This would normally be cool, but we were only 16 people, and we needed 20 to get the group rate (which we'd promised everyone we'd get), so we spent several minutes accosting random people and trying to get them to trust Chris and I with their money long enough to come back with their tickets. I promise you, a guy in a green cloak and a girl in a floppy hat should not look sketchy in that setting. XD

We also rode home with Morgan, and sang along to musicals and 80s songs. In garb. Was fun. Everyone sang along with Bon Jovi and Phantom of the Opera.

In other news, I have been attacked by a dragon rider. He promises an interesting story, but also a lot of research about tinsmithing. funfun.

Also, I have Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" stuck in my head. Have for the past two days. Is fun song. However, the last fifty seconds or so, starting with "Hold on, ready or not/You live for the fight when it's all that you've got" currently have attached themselves to a scene in my head with Sirs Mordred and Agrivaine. Part of me wants to take a stab at animating it. It's not that long (shorter than anything else I've ever considered animating), fun, and it's something I've always wanted to do. The other part of me is going "You know nil about the computerized aspects, you don't have tracing paper with you, and it's six months of work if you only go for the roughs, which is probably all you have an attention span for."

My head is a wonderful place.

And as for your random realization for the day, it occurs to me that a most of my favorite characters fall into at least one of three characters: gods of death or personifications thereof (Hades, Death, Azrael), anti-heroes (Sirius, a lot of versions of Will Scarlett, Vimes), or characters who find themselves willing to play the villain/go down in a blaze of glory but infamy if it will get something done (Loki and Mordred. Oh, so much Mordred.) This may or may not say something vaguely disturbing about my pysche, although they do tend to be balanced by died-in-the-wool heroes (Carrot, Gawaine, Robin). *shrug*

That is todays update.

real life, animation, ren club, mordred, arthurian

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