Things that make me happy.

Jan 18, 2009 00:24

Top 5 Unusual Things That Make Me Happy (in no particular order):

1. When people remember you then take a long time telling you about it.

2. Great smells that come out of nowhere while you're commuting. Like sexy shampoo...or doughnuts.

3. Starting good books.

4. Being told expertly reasoned counter arguments to my beliefs.

5. Webcomics featuring pixelated humor.
Embodiment of Evil: Empty? It contained all the plans for every way to destroy everything that will ever exist. It can't be empty. Not yet. You were supposed to look into it!
Black Mage: Oh I did that ages ago.
Embodiment of Evil: And?!
Black Mage: I could see the way gods do....But then this jerk made me think about boobies. The rest is a soft, warm, inviting blur.

top 5, ridiculous

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