maybe I SHOULD join the army after all

Nov 07, 2004 22:29

Going to victoria this weekend, im going to some silly karate tournament. By silly i mean it isnt isshinryu or a good healthy style of karate that teaches you to, as US Marine mst srg A J Advincula put it to "KILL KILL KILL!"

he almost convinced me to become a marine. that was after three 12 hour days of practice. doing drillls and chanitng, "one two three four I love the marine core!" for 12 hours has a tendancy to do such things though. Then there was the fact I got drunk on the first night, the second night and the third night. mmm my first hangover. being woken up the next day at the nice ole time of five thirty to do a warm up run. fun times. I really want to do that again. maybe I should join the army. they'd pay for my university tuition.

ah yes sensei advincula the man who said to me, "all it takes is ENTHUSIASIM to kill a person" as he made an ice picking motion with a fauks fairborne commando knife. a knife with one purpose, to kill. unlike the marine utility knife which has many purposes one of which is to kill. its not that efficient of a killing knife actually, but given the rise in popularity of guns thats not all that surprising.

Master advincula scares the hell out of me.

oh well

the dojo im going to is keeping me in shape and it gives me people to talk to. lots of cute girls. to bad its a stupid flashy sport dojo. Although all the talk of killing at the mission dojo was starting to give me psychotic dreams, I really miss the practical down to earth teaching of that place. And the grumpy psychopathic teachers.

Sensei pat
I swear that man sleeps in a basement upside down. I've never seen him blink or smile. i miss learning about knives and guns from him. This summer im going to go back and im going to dedicate most of my time to learnign how to hurt things. Of course if I hang around with pat or peter long enough someone will get hurt and that is likely me, as we go to the bellvue and make fun of people until a chance for some training occures. Tom has no teeth, yuin has no teeth Glen has half his teeth, I dont want to end up with no teeth. I like chewing my food.

I want to buy a flesh eater. dont have enough money though. beutiful knife.

I want to go to oceanside ca and learn Hindiandi, what a great efficient martial art. very simple
I want to learn boxing, it really teaches you how to take a punch and boxing coaches really know how to condition a fighter.
Im going to learn Jujutsu next semester, always good to know how to break a person.

I need more money to buy new weapons
I need a permit to buy the weapons i want (though...)
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