On Why I Write

Oct 10, 2006 18:37

So, I discovered yesterday, after about a ten minute rant at Club (poor Ben... having to deal with a slightly crazed and panicky mental breakdown flavor of Valerie) that the reason why I keep a live-journal is because that I can vent all my emotions into one nice clean source. Get out all that angst and fear and panic and other nasty stuff all at once, because once that's out, I'm back to normal. Like I am now... well, there is still a bit of that post-mental breakdown hangover, but otherwise I'm fine. I guess that makes me just okay, and in need of fall study break, but that is next weekend, thankfully.

But aye, I was avoiding writing, at least in the past month, because I felt as if I didn't have the time to write, and was getting all bound up in... well, everything. School, RAness, life, job, school, life, life, school, RAness, sibling being, insane friend having... you know, the usual. And in not writing, everything built up more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more. And, well, yeah... you get the picture. I found myself in need of a good cry for about three weeks, without said cry happening (until last night, that is...) and there for going more and more insane with each passing minute... okay, not really insane, but not up to par. But anyways. I need to be sure to write, in order in part to take time out for myself and sort out my internal thoughts and feel at the same time that I'm at least "talking" in theory to someone else. It works well. Calms me down, keeps me sane. And once more proves my point that journal keeping is much healthy. In the same sort of way that this really nice warm cup of green tea is...

And! Oh! I found a Belly Dancing mini-course to take! I so win at life!

university life., vally thinks

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