Sep 19, 2004 18:40
...Quick Homework Break...
Laughs. So today is National Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Eaton House Movie Day. So, surprise surprise, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean.
Funny, that movie is, always makes me feel nostalgic. Reminds me pre-senior summer. Laughs again. Gods, was that a rockin' summer, my lovely fleet, Book Five, as shitty as that was. Goofing off at Vicsy's. Hugs to all of you, MMM, OotBT, and much love. Must say, you've made my life peeps, so thanks.
But, aye, who says one only remembers that bad stuff, for I cannot recall any of it, just the stuff that was rock bottom, and that is locked up. My memory, thankfully, in composed of funny things, like hiding under trees, or falling out of them, "Green is Good," and "Phoenixes are Our Best Friends", "Three Friends Go Bonk," and S.A.M.A. and Yoda, and Jedi Master, and Boston, and roast beef, and Paris, and Antwerp, and Amsterdam, and Shropshire, and Stargate and other such wondrous things. That's what I remember, the good stuff, and that makes me happy. Nice little blanket for self when times get rough, and I like that.
And, so, therefor, I am content, amused, happy, because I have learnt to remember the better parts of life.
vally thinks.