Monday again!

Jul 24, 2006 15:49

Where do the weekends go??

I think I forgot to mention, but Mum got an all clear from the doc. She's still determined she's dying though. I'd be grateful if she'd get on with it quietly.

I do not have a new cat. Alison has decided to take Blue with her. She cried all over her fiance, & managed to get him to capitulate. Poor little thing will be confined to one room though. I don't think it's fair to the cat, but I didn't really want her, so I didn't say anything. Feel a little bit mean, but never mind.

Poor Zack!! I tipped him over again. Same thing - uneven ground, & I stopped & put my foot down on nothing & toppled over. I've bent the left hand brake lever this time. I'll have to take him to the scooter shop & see what they can do. Poor baby!
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