Aug 12, 2006 04:40
After months of not updating for real I have decided to post something again. This summer has if anything been a large learning experience. After having a girlfriend who turned out to be a complete stalker ( that my parents let move in after only 3 days of dating :\) I've learned that real relationships can not be rushed and if anything get to know somebody first. Secondly I've learned that children are a gift that everyone should cherish. After seeing how happy my friends with chidren are (Chris, Matt and gen, Judy, and of course Jacquie)I can only hope that one day I too will be blessed with a family. I also started talking to a friend that I havn't seen for a year and a half again. The aforementioned Chris moved away shortly after I started school, and we parted on bad terms. I'm so happy to have gotten back in touch with. I've realised that if you're truely someones friend that no matter what happens that in the end you will always be friends. I've just read over what I wrote and quite frankly I'm very surprised in myself. I generally don't write like that and it seems almost somewhat preachy. Oh well I'm in a good mood, and I do hope that I stay this way.
-Davey Boy-