Bilancio 2012 - fandom

Jan 23, 2013 18:21

Stolen from misako93

Your main fandom of the year? Supernatural, non c'è neanche bisogno di pensarci
Your favorite film watched during the year? Rise of the Guardians
Your favorite book read during the year? Good Omens e Il figlio del Dio Tuono
Your favorite album or song to listen during the year? Back in Black degli AD/CD (tutto l'album)
Your favorite TV show of the year? Supernatural e American Horror Story (grazie a Tab & Meg)
Your best new fandom discovery of the year? Rise of the Guardians
Your biggest disappointment of the year? La fine di Merlin, anche se la fine in sé mi è piaciuta, è stato proprio il telefilm a non essere un granché.
Your biggest squee moment of the year? I cosplayer svedesi!
The most missed of your old fandoms? Queer as Folk. Harry Potter in fondo ritorna sempre...
The fandom you haven't tried yet but want to? Good Omens
Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year? Avrei voluto dire Sherlock ma ci toccherà aspettare ancora parecchio... direi Clara, la nuova companion del Dottore.

doctor who, meme, sherlock bbc, supernatural, merlin bbc

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