Immigration Reform --- which side are you on?

Mar 31, 2006 07:58

I know many people are unsure of where they come down on the issue of immigration. Both sides do have merit. The influx of illegals is a problem that needs repair. And there's always the issue of the financial burden illegals represent to the average taxpayer. It's hard to pick a side because, after all, this is a country built by immigrants.

It is unclear, at least to me, as to what degree illegals are a financial burden. Obviously they represent expense by the government, as are any legal citizens, but illegals are consumers like everybody else. They spend money as much as anyone else in this country.

As to what side to argue, for me it's an easy choice. I am an american citizen, and I'm also an immigrant. My whole family are immigrants. It's easy for me to pick a side, especially since the color of my skin already lumps me to one side in the eyes of others.

I too believe that something must be done to curb the deluge of illegal immigration. I suspect I would feel different if I had been an illegal wetback. But no, I came on a plane with a visa in my pocket and was here only two weeks before my green card came in the mail. I was very lucky. Legal immigration is a very lengthy and expensive process where the requisites demanded by the US are almost impossible to meet by poor people who are the ones who desperately want to get in here to find work. It's easier for them to spend ten thousand dollars and risk their lives crossing the border.

But that doesn't mean that I think illegal immigration should remain unfettered. Reform is necessary. However, the law that republicans are trying to pass crosses the line, in my opinion. Never mind that it would turn 12 million people into fugitives overnight, but it also would make millions more into suspects. So if one day I decide to take my tanned skin for a walk, any cop would have the right to stop me in the street and demand to see my "papers". I will have to carry my passport and my citizenship papers wherever I go. Will I go to jail? I would definitely be in trouble if any family member is here illegally and I don't report them. If i help an illegal in any way: give him a dollar, give him advice, give him a place to stay for the night, I'd be arrested.

I'm not ready for that. The republicans took our freedoms with the Patriot Act. Now they want to weed the undesirables out. They tried it with the black man. Now it's our turn. Who's next after us? If I'm going to be arrested I'd rather it be while I'm protesting this law than it be because I look like a mexican and just might be an illegal.

Immigration reform without ostracization of millions of people is possible. Senator McCain is pushing a bill that would allow illegals to register with the government, pay a fine, get a tax id to pay taxes, and ease the process for legalization. The good ol' boy network in the house of representatives and the senate calls this "amnesty" and are vociferous in their opposition to it. They'd just rather scoop us up with a shovel and throw all of us out.

I can understand that you find so many complexities in this issue and are not sure which side you agree with. With most complex issues, the only solution is to simply pick a side. The republicans have blatantly picked their side, making it easier for me to pick mine.
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