1. I survived the all-explorer meeting that I planned and led last night! My boss thought it went well and bought me flowers! The staff actually appeared to enjoy it, and I apparently do not stink as a manager. *huge sigh of relief*
2. It is 65 degrees and gorgeous outside. I need an excuse to stroll around the museum campus now.
3. The Writer's Digest story competition deadline is May 15 and it looks like I am going to get my submission done in time. *touchdown!* Some of you will hopefully be getting a draft to read and kick back to me in the next two weeks, if my timeline holds.
4. Cute boy I've known forever sent me a vaguely flirty email. He's coming home to Boston in less than a month. I may finally figure out what the heck this is that is this thing we've been doing for years.
5. I've decided to go ahead and join a LIMS (last icon maker standing) contest, which I expect to be knocked out of relatively quickly, but I'm in it for the constructive feedback anyway. I know many of you on my flist are artists, and more of you are icon fans, and at least a few of you are Stargate SG-1 personages, so I am therefore recommending you wander over to
sg1_lims and have a look-see.
6. It is now past 2, which means only 4.5 more hours of work and then I get to go home and eat hamburgers and convince myself I can take tonight off and watch Firefly episodes.
7. Saw Friday's BSG episode last night post-explorer-meeting, and had at least three Yay Lee moments, so I'm willing to let myself get sucked into one more season, despite the growing absurdity. (2 Baltars on screen at the same table is really more than anyone should be asked to endure straight-faced, for one. Especially when Dapper!Baltar is at least twice as insufferable as the regular one, and yet also in the manner of psycho people, fully realized to the point of matching scabs on his neck. Oy. But this is a joy post, so I'm not going there.)