The Ubiquitous Icon Meme

Jun 07, 2007 21:00

...This is a really funny assortment. It skips over such a lot of things and hits the rest REALLY hard. *grin*

 - KW: Balian. I have this *ahem* soft spot for blacksmiths. Not like that's obvious or anything. (Stop laughing, J)

 - KW: avast? I stole this from Beccah of the Thousand Usernames, because it's just perfect. The face, the caption, the blacksmith. (Stop laughing, J!)

 - KW: lancelot-burning snow. King Arthur is not a very good movie, but I love it anyway. And Lancelot is such a contradictory character, burning in snow is the least of his problems. And it's the truth anyway.

 - KW: horatio-archie-compass. I'm rather proud of this one because of the way the compass fits around Archie's head like a halo. Unintentional artistic irony, yay!

 - KW: apollo-moon. I got dragged into BSG fandom by the eyecandy, and I'm not afraid to admit it. MmmmmBamber. But I stayed for the good storytelling, I swear.

 - KW: chivalry. Everyone needs a little more fairytale in his or her life. Especially of the purple knight variety.

 - KW: Lizzy-book. I don't remember who made this one, and I feel bad about that, but I had to have a good Lizzy icon. She and Leia are must haves in a Meg environment.

 - KW: aos-sky's on fire. I had a lot of fun playing with the coloring on this one--and one can never have enough spars across the sunset.

 - KW: reed-genius. *Grin* I actually won second place at ioan_stillness for this one. No idea why, exactly, but the icon makes me happy regardless. yay for clueless Reed and the frown of cute.

meme, icons

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