Last Night's BSG

Nov 12, 2006 03:10

I'm going to grumble, and then I'm going to go find something else to do before bedtime so that I can unwind from the into which tangle I've gotten myself.

1. Helo and Sharon are officially my favorite couple. And Helo has risen inexorably in my esteem every episode this season. Sharon is also getting to be pretty darn awesome.
2. Lee, on the other hand, has fallen. What the heck happened to him being the moral, idealistic center of the show? He and Roslin took some kind of surreal turn to moral turpitude somewhere over the season break and I'm not happy. I understand that his new cause appears to be 'the ultimate survival of the human race, no matter what,' but I can't understand his incredible inflexibility here. Why has he suddenly turned into Saul?
3. And even though I'm glad Adama was at least TROUBLED by the idea of genocide, why did no one float any other options? With something of that destructive capability, why not sue for peace? Did no one think "Mutually assured destruction, gee, how about we use that to come to an understanding?" If this were West Wing, they'd explore ALL the options. What happened to all the other options? How about packing the infected Cylons a care package of medicine and sending them back to their kind with an offer of assistance? Why wasn't anyone interested in being the bigger person and trying to turn things for the better? This entire yes/no/nothing else with the genocide question is not realistic.
4. WAY too much time with the torture. Beyond too much time. Baltar's probably permanently schizo now, if he wasn't before, and just in general there is far too much of Baltar with far too little clothing on anyway. I understand it's important to show that the Cylons aren't symbols of moral rectitude either, but I think we'd all got that by now anyway.
5. How are they going to live with what they almost did? How do you come back from an aborted attempt at genocide?

The human race clearly needs a Prime Directive.
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