Thor 2 reactions, etc.

Nov 14, 2013 20:46

Non-spoilery stuff first:

1) I've been tracking my creative output in the spirit of Nanowrimo this year, putting all my writing efforts, original and fan, into the mix, just to see if I can get in the habit of a) seriously writing every day and b) forcing myself to finish stuff.  I've been doing really well staying on target, but today my brain just broke.  I've managed something like 180 words and then shuddered to a grinding halt.

2) As you know, life in nonprofitland is nonprofitable in general, requiring a great deal of love and energy and offering up returns in karma and soul-satisfaction.  Today, however, there was a very happymaking envelope in my office mailbox with the news that out of the blue, in return for all the effort of getting my exhibit reenvisioned, opened, etc., I got a raise.

3) So because my brain was broken and I'm in possession of a promise of a shiny bigger salary, I took myself out to dinner and off to see Thor 2, because none of my RL friends wanted to see it with quite the amount of glee I did.

And if you don't want to hear spoilers and uncollected nonsense about Thor 2, don't read any further. :)

Thoughts about Thor: The Dark World in no particular order:

1) Holy shit, I was IN GREENWICH when they were filming that last battle.  I remember it being all torn up on the green with destroyed cars littering the Naval College. I pretty nearly shrieked when I figured that out.  Fortunately, I was literally the only one in the theater, because only crazy people who happen to work across the street from the cinema make it to a 6:30 movie.  I retroactively love that trip even more now.

2) The movie critics who said Loki/Tom Hiddleston was especially impressive in this film?  Not wrong.  I like my Luke Skywalkers, Will Turners, Steve Rogers sorts the very very most, but there were points even *I* was rooting for Loki.  Dang, Tom, well done you.

3) So much love for Frigga.  Seriously.  That is one impressive lady.

4) There's something about the Thor/Loki relationship that reminds me of Data/Lor.  Which probably shows off how seriously dated my references are, but when Loki is needling Thor as they're heading out of Asgard, that's what I was thinking about.  Maybe because Loki in his sharpest moments has some of that wild genius manic light in his face that Lor did?

5) Oh MY GOD, speaking of Steve Rogers.  Chris Evans' moment was one of my favorite points in the ENTIRE freaking movie.  What I wouldn't give for a rewind button that's cinema-sized.

6) They pushed that punching-through-portals-flying-hammer-reroute nonsense nearly to its breaking point, but I was in a good mood, so it was still funny.  Selvig without pants a little less so--made me wonder how others who had been possessed by the Tesseract were holding up (Looking at you, Barton.)

7) I hear next week's Agents of SHIELD ep is supposed to be dealing with fallout from this movie.  That should be interesting.  I really kind of want Darcy and Jane to meet FitzSimmons

8) Yay Darcy!  Yay Science!Jane.  I'm all at sixes and sevens on how I feel about the 'woman he loves in mortal danger' plot line, because it's kind of lazy storytelling.  On the other hand, so is killing off Daniel Jackson every sixth episode, and that didn't stop the SG1 writers.  And yes, Jane and Daniel had a certain amount in common here as well, what with the unintended consequences of natural curiosity dumping both of them in bad situations.

9) What the hell, Chris Eccleston.  Good job totally disappearing into the makeup and the language, I'm going to have to watch this movie again to figure out where you even were in that character.  I was a little afraid I'd be upset about watching Nine be peddling armageddon, but not actually a problem.

10) I was really glad they didn't make a huge thing about the potential love triangle.  They played that up way more in the trailers than there was in the movie and I was relieved

11)  So glad I saw it.  Not sorry I saw it alone, though I could have used a hand to hold when Thor was getting the snot beat out of him.  Can't wait for Cap 2.

spoilers, real life, movies, thor

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