So happy to have made it to November

Nov 07, 2013 11:01

Five happy things:

1) I survived my two opening festivals!  I didn't come down with pneumonia (my coworker did, but I escaped!).  People like the new exhibits!

2) I saw Naomi Novik in Cambridge this weekend.  She was awesome, and I got my birthday present, Temeraire book 8, signed with bonus dragon illustration.  :)

3) My parents threw me a Broadway-themed birthday party and my boyfriend agreed to join in and survived the in-family nuttiness.  Plus lots of lovely people wished me a happy birthday.

4) Castle and Agents of SHIELD were both really good this week.

5) I have been writing! Both some of my original work and a SHIELD piece that's going up momentarily.  I might actually have more than one fic response to FZZT?  But at least this one's written and out of my head and I can get back to dragon-assisted time travel.

Bonus happiness: there is new J/D fic from the ficathon that I haven't gotten to read yet, but I'm really looking forward to.

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