SG1 Rewatch: Enemy Within

May 08, 2013 23:01

Okay, so I got partway through this episode and thought, "I really should not have watched this tonight." There's a reason I don't watch hospital dramas, and that is the same reason why I have serious trouble with Kawalsky's operation scene. My imagination is a bit too vivid and my empathy too strong to deal with things involving pain and blood and medical issues.

That said, I stuck it out to the end, and was rewarded by that awesome OT4 shot at the end, with all of them lined up before the Gate, and it was freakin' glorious. So that made the cringing earlier worth it.

Other thoughts:
1) Daniel and the not-sleeping scene with Sam--there's more of that early sympathy between them that I was looking for.

2) The way Jack goes to bat for Teal'c--and the way he is scrupulously honest with him--makes him so very easy a character to love, even when he's being obnoxious to those in authority. It's so cool to see him and Hammond getting along with such understanding so early, given the memoir joke misfire in the first episode.

3) Nobody named Kennedy should be that much of a jerk. ...And yes, I am from Massachusetts. My point, frivolous as it is, stands. (I miss Teddy, okay?)

4) "If you don't make it...can I have your stereo?" Jaaaaaack. There you are. This, plus your pesky insistence on not leaving people behind and informing everyone how people, even not born on this planet, have rights, etc. is why your people follow you into hell. And also asteroids called Hell. And eventually into politics and the upper echelons of the military, which, ditto.

5) Bless Sam for giving Daniel hope for Sha're (and Skaara). Though that is one more thing for Daniel to lose sleep over, because we know, even if you do not yet, that Daniel overthinks stuff, and the implications are not all rosy.

6) "This iris will hold, right?" Not absolutely the first time we get the Daniel/Jack synchronous statement or echo, but I think the first in the tv series, and such a great example of one of those team patterns they follow for ages afterwards: Daniel or Sam questions, Daniel or Sam gives reasoned, nuanced answer, Jack requests forcefully a clarification or definitive statement, Daniel or Sam resist certainty with all the force of their polite and scientific hearts. Jack rolls his eyes.

7) Teal'c actually crosses his fingers when the doctor tells him to. Not sure I ever noticed that before.

8) TEAM!

(And now sleep, because I'm tired enough I keep trying to use my laptop like my tablet (nope, still not a touch screen) and soon the rest of me will hate me as much as my knees do, ice notwithstanding. G'night all!)

teamy goodness, rewatch, stargate, sg-1

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