Fic: "A Little Levity" (Stargate SG-1, J/D)

Aug 23, 2012 00:24

A Little Levity
By Lokei

Pairing: Jack/Daniel, newly established relationship
Rating: R
Summary: Love’s not the only thing making Jack feel like walking on air. Set late season 4-ish.
Author’s Note: Originally inspired by [personal profile] romantical 's “sex is fun” challenge, but you know me and deadlines. I like to wave at them as they pass by. This one vanished into the ether long ago, in a galaxy far far away. Now finally resuscitated for a (similarly gone by) jackdanielpromptfic monthly challenge, “Upgrades.”

= = =

The inhabitants of P3M-770 were very accommodating, Jack decided, and not half-bad for an industrial-revolution era society. Their Stargate-ignored and overgrown in a field, with the DHD covered in moss-was far enough from a population center that the parallels to an ignored Stonehenge or Newgrange were immediately obvious, even to Jack, though Daniel had naturally gone on about it at length anyway.

Jack had grouched about his archaeologist’s enthusiasm, just to keep up appearances, but mostly he was amused. He was also relieved that it was unlikely anyone would be shooting at them for hopping out of the middle of nowhere into, well, the middle of nowhere. The UAV had shown habitation within a doable, if not comfortable, walking distance, and beyond that, some other promising something-or-other indicators in the landscape which Daniel had informed him-rapidly and with a return of young-Daniel bouncing and energetic hand-waving-were suggestive of a previous settlement of relatively high sophistication.

Hence the archaeologist’s enthusiasm, the colonel’s anticipated boredom, and the general’s inconvenient leniency as regards timing for this mission, due to the dulcet promise of Good Stuff to Find.

Read more at DW or on AO3

daniel jackson, fiction, jack o'neill, jack/daniel, teal'c, stargate, samantha carter, sg-1

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