Updates in the world of me

Jul 14, 2010 21:28

1) Keeping up a professional-life blog is exhausting, and I only post about once a week, average. So yeah, I haven't updated here recently. Sorry! I love you all, I swear, and I have been lurking when I have had time.

2) Diving season has officially begun! I got three dives in on Sunday and I was a happy happy happy girl. Granted, the first dive was pretty sub-par visibility, even for New England, but I don't care. I was underwater!

3) Life was supposed to slow down at work when we opened the new exhibit. Hah. It is not even thinking about slowing down, and now my boss is going to be out for 2.5 weeks leaving me in charge. Don't expect to see much more of me than there's been for the last month around here.

4) So glad my grad class is done for the summer. I hate professors who coast and make the students jump hoops only to move the hoops at the last minute. I dislike professors who play favorites even more, even when I unwittingly end up one of the favorites. She is not getting a good evaluation from me.

5) Been re-reading the Temeraire series this week in prep for when Naomi Novik is in Cambridge this weekend. Looking forward to the new book.

6) Saw Johnny Baseball at the ART on Friday, loved it to absolute pieces. Best thing the ART has done in years and years. Great music, fabulous story, awesome voices, fun costumes...ridiculously fantastic audience. Yay! Also saw Toy Story 3 over the weekend. Bawled shamelessly, despite the fact that I never cry at movies and am a mature 27 *cough*. Went home and hugged my remaining toys. Pixar, why do you do this to me?

7) Posted a Classic Star Wars/Firefly crossover (Han meets Kaylee) on multiverse5000 recently: Sugar & Spice. Apparently I do have fic in me somewhere, still.

8) StarWarsLIMS is opening its second round...I managed to flunk out of SG1LIMS with more than usual rapidity this round, so I'm signing up for further punishment--in my Original Fandom, no less. :P Looks like fun--go, sign up, create, vote!
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