mylodon because of a hundred reasons, but today in particular because she made me smile when I was in an utterly foul mood.
exdevlin for a similar hundred reasons, and who offered me shelter if the election goes badly. *wry grin*
ravens_falling because even if we don't speak for months I know it won't matter, because we're that in synch.
romanticalgirl because she sends me cards with adorable monkeys on them, writes gorgeously, and is in general a marvelous person.
princessofg who betas for me even when she's having an attack of RL, who writes breathtakingly well, and is such a positive force in fandom.
sg_fignewton who cheerleads for gen fic, coordinates delicious alphabet soup, and dragged me into participating not only at
stargateficrec but at
redial_the_gate too. *grin*
sg_betty who sends me great stories to read, who throws herself at fandom in all its creative variations with enthusiasm and good cheer.
satek who, even though we don't get to talk often, makes me grin when we do.
0_rollergirl and
leezadee who have taken me into their lovely, fantastic, gleeful home at Muses and let me trail through the galleries even when I'm all briny.