Articles that may spark the many gamers interest on my FL

Mar 12, 2009 22:19

OMG it's not something Sonic Related!

All links to be proven safe and virus free:

Yale Students Sues Airline for Million Buck over lost of the 360

I would! Since they're claiming it's okay for staffs and crew to go through our luggages and steal it.

Can the Wii win back hard-core gamers?

My two cents: Wii games do needs more hard core games. No more shiney family stuff!

Nintendo to Begins Charging Money for Some Online Gaming
Oh god....d00d I do hope you guys know what you're doing. I better watch out for any of the games with a red icon to indicate Pay and Play games.

Wii Price sets to Rise in the UK 03/11/2009
Wii Price Hike "Perfectly Justified" 03/12/2009
Well I'm glad I don't live in the UK.......hopefully this will not happen in the US

[lj: game news]

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