I think I'm going into a very Gemini phase. My brain will just NOT shut off. At all.
While I largely haunt Facebook these days, I can't ever really bring myself to delete this LJ. At a certain point, I can't summarize everything on my mind in a character limited FB update. Hence the need for the blog, even though I very seldomly use it currently, even after earlier this year I committed to myself to using it more.
Another problem has also arisen recently, that being the immediate compulsion to put up every last damned little and random thought coursing through my head at any given time. And while my ego whispers quietly to me about how amazingly witty and clever and charming I am (and believe me, I am,) and that people want to read this bullshit... Well. Were I to put up EVERY last damn little thing, I'd soon come to dominate my friend's FB update feeds, and I'd probably start getting unfriended in short order.
Hence the decision to renew my Twitter account. Twitter seems to slowly be on the way to becoming phased out anyhow-- it's a site serving a function that is also done elsewhere, better. Less people I know are using it actively these days. I can use it as a "safe" (read: uninhabited) dumping grounds to serve my immediate need to vomit out every last thought I have into the ether, and if people are actually genuinely interested in just what I'm thinking, or how I think in general, they have a place they can reference. And in the meantime, I can get my FB updating back under control.
Feel free to look, but buyer beware-- the utter irrelevance and triviality of the things I will have to say on Twitter border on the criminally absurd.