Music of Shadowbane

Feb 08, 2010 23:24

While I languish in perpetual agony waiting for the Shadowbane Emulator to be completed, I, like many others, look for damn near anything to scratch that intolerable itch that threatens insanity. From keeping up with the BSEmu boards on a daily basis, to rolling, deleting, and rolling more characters on the log-in server (at least that much is completed) to downloading & installing the SB font package, and yes... downloading all of the original music to the game.

The original tracks were some amazing scores, but this one in particular gets to me. Seriously chills up the spine as I remember countless nights sitting at home, playing the game, and listening to this particular track on its infinite loop as I ran through Aerynth. It's only 1:01 long, but like I said, it was looped perfectly. Editing it in Audacity (<3 that program) I repeated it for 3 iterations total. The only annoying part being, that despite my best efforts, I couldn't quite get that pop out between each loop. It's barely noticeable, but still loud enough to annoy me. Still, for what it's worth: