(no subject)

Aug 05, 2013 22:24

verily, did I appeal to Loki to once again let the weird times roll and a sign was sent! Praise his name.

I drove home for lunch today, so as I could drop my rent check off with the complex administrator. Only, on the way there was an moderately old pickuptruck stopped in the middle of the road, with a fairly old guy in it who was trying to wave someone down. The back of the pickup truck was plastered from top to bottom with stickers(literally- the cab window was mostly obscured), all of which said things like GIVE GOD THE GLORY or SINNERS WILL BURN IN HELL, and EZEKIAL 23:20 (well, not that verse). It turns out that the old guy had two very important things he needed- 1) He needed a ride to get gas for his vehicle, which was out of fuel. 2) He needed to tell me three messages, in a soliloquy woven together like a scarf knit by a person both recently struck blind and with palsy. Those messages were that Jesus Christ was the one true way in to heaven and that all other paths led to eternal torment in hellfire, that using a gasoline that did not contain ethanol would improve my fuel economy, and his entire life story and that of his lineage, he being F.B. Norton III, formerly of San Francisco, the son of a dentist, the grandson of the president of the S.F. Dairy Exchange. I asked him if he was a descendant of Joshua Norton, he said it was likely. I would sure believe it.

Once we got to the gas station he bought me $10 worth of V-Power gasoline (that stands for V-2, like the rockets Von Braun used to make!!, he told me). The return trip to his truck gave him time both to expand on and re-iterate certain key parts of his monologue. After we got a gallon of gas into his truck he wanted to continue to talk and I wanted to listen, but I needed to get back to work. He told me that he was going to write my name in his bible and that he was sure that I would one day be a christian, and that I would be blessed with a new car or a new house because of my good deed, and then I drove away.
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