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Mar 11, 2009 23:11

Well this week has been fun.  I went to Texas to visit with my Mom for a few days.  It was hot as hell, but fun.  I had interviews scheduled in Raleigh so I came back Monday night and stayed at Michele's.  I had to buy a new suit because I had went cheap on my first one and it looked like shit.  Thankfully, Gap Inc. has made their employee discount AMAZING now, so I was able to go to Banana Republic and buy a $400 suit for $180.  Basically, I look fly. lol  I usually never spend that much money on clothes, but I need to start investing in my future instead of just getting cheap stuff.

I had my first interview today with Howard, Merrell & Partners.  I think it went extremely well.  Somehow I've managed to pull out a decent portfolio, which they seemed to like.  They laughed at a few of my ads, which was great, and were impressed that I did both design and copy.  I was given a tour of the company and John, the guy who interviewed me was really awesome.  By the end we were joking, in a professional way, and we seemed to get along really well.  I sent a follow-up email and thanked the two people who interviewed me for taking time to speak with me and they wrote back a few minutes later saying that they thought I would be a good fit, and that they would be making final decisions next week.  I don't think its a sure thing, because it isn't, but I am at least confident that I did well on my interview.

The building was amazing!  Hard wood floors, high ceilings, brightly painted walls and awesome artwork.  I was able to see several of the projects they have in the works right now and it was really cool to see that they basically have the same process that I do at times.  I'm excited!

I have another interview tomorrow with Hummingbird Creative Group, an interview for an advertising/sales internship position with Carolina Woman magazine on Friday, then when I get back I have a finalists interview for the apartment scholarship!!  Please cross your fingers for me!  If I get this scholarship I will have an apartment with all rent and utilities paid for an entire year!  God I hope I get it!

I just got an email from the internship coordinator with the Raleigh chain of Fleishman-Hillard, so hopefully I will also get an interview with them as well.  I just hope things continue to go this well.  I am stoked about the end of this semester and the beginning of summer!!

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