Jul 05, 2008 03:25

Oh My Fucking God. OMG. Fuck me.


I want to go home right now. lol Things were getting better and then this fucking happened. I am not going to be able to sleep at all tonight. This is ridiculous.

Ok, so I am in my 'room' writing on my computer when I hear this huge crash in the kitchen. I am freaking out because I am here by myself. I get on my shoes and I go down the hall and we have cinderblocks and planks of wood (about the size of a book, perfect size for use as a weapon) in the corner so I picked up one of the planks of wood and I go to the kitchen. Now I don't know if you have seen pictures, but the kitchen is about the size of an airplane lavatory. It is fucking tiny. I walk in and I see a can of raid rolling on the ground. Something knocked it from the counter. I go over and pick it up, and of course, ten roaches are scurrying in every direction so I start spraying raid everywhere--I'm surprised my lungs haven't been eaten up by the raid chemicals already. Anyway, so I am spraying and then I see something in the corner of my eye down by the plastic bag bin under the far window. I was freaking out because the night before I had gone to this rooftop party and they had cockroaches literally, LITERALLY the size of my middle finger in length running around, so I thought it was one of those and I was freaking out wondering how on earth I was going to kill it.

So I go into the hall and open the door because I didn't want whatever it was to run into the hall which leads straight into my 'room.' I could have been a normal person and left it alone, but I couldn't freaking stand knowing there was some THING in the kitchen that was just moving around.

So finally I get up the nerve to go over to the bin, I have my plank of wood in one hand and I reach out for the bin and pull it away and out shoots THE BIGGEST FUCKING RAT I HAVE EVER SEEN.

I screamed like a bitch. Seriously, I have never EVER screamed like that before. It was embarrassing. I screamed, dropped my plank of wood, which the rat deftly avoided, and I just jumped into the air. I was like a fucking ninja I jumped into the air, put my hand on the counter and then kicked my feet against the wall so I was supporting myself 5 feet in the air as this thing ran somewhere. I don't know if it ran into the hall, or just ran under the fridge or something but DAMN. It was the size of a fucking dog. Maybe not a great dane or anything, but it was totally equal to or greater than a Chihuahua.

Fucking A. My heart was beating so fast and now every little sound makes me freak out because I think it is coming for me. Seriously if this thing jumped up it would have taken my face off. OMFG. I can't wait to freaking go to Boone where I don't have to worry about radio-active cockroaches, man-eating rats, sketchy streets, shootings, insanely rude people, jacked-up expensive housing/food/BEER, smog, terribly dirty streets you couldn't pay me to walk on barefoot, subways/streets/buildings/people that smell like they were either coated with, or bathed in urine, etc. UGH.

I just wanna see some stars, man. Thats all I want. Call me crazy but shit isn't worth it.

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