Happy B-Day

Feb 25, 2008 19:46

I MISSED IT!! DAMN IT TO FUCK!! SHIT!! This is the story of my live...:((

I sorry vegas_diva but here I am to say I love you and hope you had a wonderful b-day!!!!!

The little gal turned 2 on the 19th and has a mouth of a nasty trucker. Every other word is a curse word...hmmmm where do you suppose she gets that from? Huh!! Beyond me!! She's cute as hell though...:))

With good news of course there is bad. My oldest had a seizure middle of the night and scared the living crap out of me!! No sign of why or what caused it but he's still having to do the EEG & an MRI...won't know details until 3/11. Why then? Because the FUCKERS want to torture me? His pediatrician couldn't explain shit! Said sometimes it just happens. WHAT?

What else you say? Well, I wanted to surprise my eldest with an Apple macbook pro (thought this would brighten his day) so, I was bidding on e-bay...got tired of bidding war...bidded on a buy it now and found the fucker was a fraud!!! Not only did I not get the laptop, I lost out on over $2k!! LIKE WTF!!!!! I hate people.

So eeeeeeeeeeeeeeyup I am even more crazier than ever!! aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha

I haven't been around and now you know
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