Announcing... the new Loiteringpalely - all about Pros zines!

Mar 18, 2009 12:09

I've been thinking about Pros zines again lately - well, I'm often thinking about Pros zines... *g* - and chatting about them with various people, and about how difficult they can be to find, especially when you're new to Pros fandom. That was actually why I originally set up the Palelyloitering website - when I was first in Pros the only place to find out anything at all about Pros zines was the ProsLib CD, and even then it was simply a list of contents. Now there are two places to find out a bit more about zines - Palelyloitering and The Hatstand Zine pages! But...

...I originally meant to include information about how to get hold of zines, which dealers were honest, fairly-priced, and so on - only of course that's a wee bit complicated on a public website. It has occurred to me though, at long last, that it would be perfectly reasonable to have those sorts of posts and discussions and so on in a membership-only livejournal, and so... here we are. *g*

Loiteringpalely then, is now a community dedicated to getting hold of Pros zines - loaning and borrowing, swapping, buying and selling, and keeping the Pros zine trade honest! Membership is moderated in an attempt to make sure that unscrupulous dealers on ebay and the like aren't able to buy our Pros zines cheaply and then advertise and sell them to unwary fans for ridiculous sums of money.

Pros zines were originally about sharing Pros stories and art, and the love of Pros - Bodie, Doyle, George Cowley, and everyone else. They're not about making a profit, and they're especially not about making a profit by taking advantage of other fans. I'd like this community to be about keeping it that way - Pros as a gift and sharing economy!

So - do post anything here that's connected with sharing Pros zines. If you have zines you're happy to swap, if there's a zine you're particularly hunting for, if you're cleaning out your cupboards and want to sell - or conversely, if you notice unscrupulous dealing somewhere, if there are sellers/dealers that Pros fans should beware of, then please post about that too. The only way to avoid them is to let other people know about them, right (it goes without saying that this should be information, not flaming...)? I'd suggest that most posts should be made "Members Only" to minimise the possibility that your zines will end up in the hands of someone trying to sell them on ebay etc for a big profit...

Finally - the links list on the left is designed to take people to general posts made in this comm about the publishers/dealers etc listed. The posts haven't been made yet (obviously!) but will consist of general contact information, website links etc - and then an invitation for people to describe their experiences with that publisher/dealer below, good (hopefully!) or bad. If I can get a tags list to display, then that will be another way to navigate to useful information!

So... any thoughts or ideas welcome - do let me know if you think I've missed anything, if you foresee problems, anything at all! Right... here we go... *g*

introduction to this lj
