Tym's Interview

Feb 03, 2004 12:55

1) Do you ever wish you weren't on a tropical paradise if for no other reason, than to have a connection to the rest of the world (i.e. more outside bands playing etc)?

Yeah, it would be nice to be able to drive to another state to do shit, ya know? And you are right, good bands don't EVER come here. It sucks. We don't have a professional sports team. That sucks too. Traffic sucks even more.

2) As someone who lives in Hawaii, do you really resent tourists? I mean it's gotta be annoying when you've got the Larsons from Topeka Kansas trying to do the Hang Loose sign and say "Mahalo" and "Aloha" in some pathetic attempt to fit in, right?

I'm always nice to tourists. I don't resent them at all, even if they are tacky enough to wear matching print aloha shirts and muu muus. They are our economy, after all.

3) Rate the accuracy of portraying Hawaii of the following fictional works: Hawaii Five-Oh, Saved By The Bell: Hawaiian style, The Brady Bunch goes to Hawaii, Magnum P.I.

95% inaccurate. Remember that minorities are the majority here.

4) Tony Blair, Benicio Del Toro, or both? If both, are we talking a pair of Chinese fingercuffs or simply some sortof tag team thing?

I'd prefer a private party with Benicio, but if Tony showed up I wouldn't kick him out. Tag team!

5) Favorite kind of beer?

Coors Light, Heineken, Bud Light, Corona (in that order). If none of those are available I'll go straight to hards.
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