Hi, Dad. Their case is fuzzy and circumstantial.

Mar 15, 2013 18:30

So I know everyone has heard the good news about the Veronica Mars movie.  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I am very excited.  I can't even begin to describe my fangirly flailing.

I'm also excited because I managed to lose one of my VM dvds in my small apartment, and finally found it today!  Yay!  I was all worried I'd have to buy a replacement or um.... acquire them through other means.  But no, I found it!!

So to celebrate, I was thinking of taking one my small blank canvases and doing something VM related, just because.  I might try to do the Mars Investigations logo, or at least modpodge a copy, or put a quote on it.  But narrowing down a small quote that makes me happy is really hard.

The frontrunners are:

Hi, Dad.  Their case is fuzzy and circumstantial.

It's all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass.

Veronica Mars is... smarter than me.

"Have you been playing nice with the other children?"
"You know, I'm old school, Dad.  An eye for an eye."
"I think that's actually Old Testament."

I'm open to suggestions. =)

As much as I love "Dad, your hooker's here," I did decide not to use that one.

A movie!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!

veronica mars

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