Well... been awhile.

Sep 23, 2012 02:06

So.... been absent.  I have a ton of posts to go back and post on... I've just been kinda... meh lately.  Sorry.

Hope everyone is well, I know I'm not the only absent one lately.  =(

Mostly I've been preoccupied by work (ugh) and training for my yearly race I participate in.  Not that I've trained all that hard, but I've trained some.  I don't think I'm gonna do better than last year and that's all I wanted.  I just want to finish the 4 mile run/walk (empahsis on walk for me) in less than an hour.  So I'm stressing about that a lot.  I had a dream where I was upset later in the day because i realized I didn't get a medal for finishing, and then I realized I got to the stadium and stopped.  You have to go into the stadium to cross the finish line and get your post race medal, banana, bagel, and water.

I'm also worried because I think I'm getting a cold and the race is now 6 days away.

So what else have I been stressing about... work... ugh... people, when you decide to rail at an employee of a corporate owned store about your principled stand against one of their business practices or partners, you're not being noble.  You're being a dick to someone on the lowest rung of the ladder who's just trying to pay their rent.  So bite me.

Fandom-wise... which is what most of you are here for anyway, I've watched lots of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.

Stargate first... so apparently people don't ship Jack/Sam?  Really? ;)  I like it, I got to season 4, middleish, before I had to give up my amazon prime free trial.  Can't afford the payment now.  I think I might go to the library and see if they have dvds.  I should use the library... I just.. don't.  Also?  The Window of Opportunity episode?  So funny.  Haven't watched it in a while so I'm drawing a blank on anything else I wanna say.  If you have a question about what I think, ask.

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I'm liking Atlantis better, but I'm thinking with Atlantis you shouldn't get too attatched to anyone unless their name is McKay or Sheppard.  The episode where Cadman was sharing a body with McKay?  omg.... so funny.  hee.  And I may be a bit gay for Elizabeth Weir.  Not wanting to see her die, for sure.  =(

Watched the first episode of season 5 of Flashpoint.... and a bit... underwhelmed.  I don't know.  I was into it, totally engrossed, and now that I've watched it, I don't have any desire to watch it again.  And usually, I automatically want to watch it again.  I'm sorry to see Raf go, but I am not surprised.  I've felt that he could be one to decide he couldn't handle it, and while I would have liked to have seen more of a slide/him wrestling with the job, I'm kinda glad we won't waste one of the last few episodes on it.

I know Ed's not so popular with a lot of people, but I don't mind a season focusing on him again.  The spoilers sound like we'll see  a good bit about everyone this season, and I hope that's the case.  But for me the center of the show has always been Ed and Greg, and I'm scared of how this season will play out, but okay with the Ed storyline/focus.  Oh, and thanks, Ed, for finally making canon who was in SRU first and screwing up my timeline for a fic.  I guess I should have finished it earlier, then I could have gotten away with it.

For some reason I keep having this reoccurring dream that I'm married to Spike and we have a baby.  Which I guess is less weird than the Greg and I are detectives in a hospital one...

Oh, and Saving Hope!!  I normally hate HATE hospital shows, but I really enjoyed this one.  Other than when they needed to take of limbs.  I can watch Bones and not bat an eye at what they show there, but a medical show where someone is still alive and they need to do surgery?  Nonononono.  Thank you, but no.  But I did really like Saving Hope, and hope that I can still catch it next year, since NBC cancelled it because not many people were watching it here.  =(  My coworker at night thinks the gimmick of what they've done to Charlie's character will get old, but I'm reserving judgement until I see more.

Rookie Blue... I still love you, even if it seems most people have broken up with you.  =(  I think it's still really good, but it's definitely not as "fun" as it started out.  Season 3 took a much more serious turn, but I like it.  It must be awful for fans who were mostly in it for shipping Sam and Andy, but I'm good with the direction it's taken.  altho, oh, OH JERRY!  =(

So anyway, that's a brief rundown of how I feel about my shows... any thoughts?

rl, saving hope, flashpoint, sg-1, ed lane, greg parker, sga, rookie blue, tv

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