Veronica Mars and meme

Jul 05, 2012 17:43

So I was reading VM posts on tumblr... and while I like Veronica and Logan, I'm not 100% sold on LoVe.  I get why people are, though.  And I do like both Veronica and Logan.  However, I am bothered by the number of girls/women who say that Logan is "perfect".  SRSLY? LOGAN ECHOLLS?  Oh, god!  No!  No one on that show is perfect, they're almost all deeply flawed.  Which is awesome and why all the characters seem so real.

Also, did anyone else watch the short lived tv show Friends with Benefits and wonder when Dick Casablancas got so hot?

meme because I'm bored:

Choose your top 5 shows:


Rookie Blue

Veronica Mars


Law and Order:  Criminal Intent

The first character I fell in love with:
  Sam Braddock
  Andy McNally
  Veronica Mars
  Alex Eames

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:

Greg Parker
  Gail Peck
  Logan Echolls
  Cam Saroyan
  Capt. Ross

The character I love that everyone else hates: 
  Natalie, maybe?   
  Is anyone hated on RB?  Other than Boyd?
  Piz doesn't seem to be popular
  Don't spend enough time in Bones fandom to even know who's hated
  I don't think anyone is really hated on LOCI, are they?

The character I would shag anytime:
  Sam.  Oh, hell, I'd do any of the guys on team one, probably.
  Sam Swarek, no doubt.

The character I’d slap:

hmmm.. Victor whatshisname, the evil white supremicist dude
  .... no one on bones
  Bobby. heh.

Who are your five favorite characters? 
  Greg Parker
  everyone on RB!  I really adore them all
  Veronica and Keith, I can't choose just one

Who are your least favorite characters?
  Roy Lane
  Max is wearing thin for me

A pairing that you love? 
  Greg and Ed? ;)  nah, Ed and Sophie
  Sam and Andy!!!!!!
  hmmm... can I choose Cliff and Keith as buddies?
  Booth and Brennan
  I would say Bobby/Alex, but I really do wish for Alex to do better for herself...

flashpoint, bones, meme, rookie blue, veronica mars, loci

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