new weather word of the day: derecho

Jul 01, 2012 11:07

Okay, so since I've had power again (thank you AEP! ) I've been reading about the storm we had.

I thought maybe I was being dramatic saying it looked like a hurricane.  But I wasn't.  The wind speeds were 91mph.

We had what is called a derecho, which is a straight line windstorm with thunderstorms.  Also sometimes referred to as a "land hurricane."  And the news I got (which wasn't much being without power, mostly local radio and word of mouth) just talked about Indiana and Ohio, but apparently it hit Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland.  Millions were left without power.

My parents live on the Gulf of Mexico now, and they've learned a lot about hurricanes, and they said that would be a category 1 hurricane.  My dad stayed through Ivan, I think.  He didn't evacuate and I think that was around a category 3.  It was a pretty good one.  I can't imagine.  I'd have been terrified.  He just hung out on the bed with a cat on one side and a dog on the other.  He said that it wasn't that bad.  I say he's lying. ;)  He said that when the eye was over him it was eerie, because everything was still.  No noise, no wind, nothing.

I hope everyone on my flist is okay.  I *think* all but maybe 1 of you are further north than I am... or in Europe. ;)

On a lighter note... 10 more days of vacation, so I'd best get to fic writin', right?


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