Contagion and Goon

Jun 20, 2012 21:05

So, I watched both.  And I'm surprised about which one I liked better.

First, Goon.  Lots of swearing in this review, fyi.

Liked it better than Contagion.  It was funny.  I am, however, getting sick of movies that go too far into crude humor.  Like, I'm not a complete prude, but when you're only 11 minutes in and they've said "fuck" about 60 times already... it gets old.  As does all the references to cock.  It's not that I never laugh, but by the time you get to the 15th joke about cock sucking or doing some dude's mother... I'm over it.  Is it a guy thing, or am I just too uptight?  I just find myself thinking, 'you're funny, be a little more creative.'

But anyway, I did really enjoy it.  It's a hockey movie which is a sport I have a marginal interest in at best, but is one that if there's a game on I might actually watch it.  It's about Doug, who's unhappy and stuck in a job as a bouncer.  He gets into a fight at a hockey game with a player because he used the word "faggot" and Doug's brother Ira is gay.  So he beats his ass and gets the attention of the home team's coach, who wants him to join the team and be an enforcer.

It has Seann William Scott, who was really hot in this role, to me.  And usually guys who beat up other guys is not a turn on for me.  I've never been the girl who likes the bad boys.  But then, Doug's really not a bad boy, so I guess that's why I liked him.  That and the short hair and beard really worked for him.

It was good, and fun, and I really enjoyed it.  Another movie that I watched without stopping.

Oh, and DAVID PAETKAU!  Hee.  He was Ira, the gay brother.  With hair dyed brown and glasses.  So much hotter as a blond.  Barely in it, but fun.  I loved that the two brothers obviously were close.  I couldn't help but think that it must have killed David a bit to be in a hockey movie, and not get to play hockey. ;)


Oh, it tried hard.  It was good, and it had Rico.  Who got to be a big Homeland Security guy and throw around his weight and arrest the dirtbag.  =)

It tried to tell a broad story with lots of characters, about this pandemic/epidemic/whatever.  It was effective, but I kinda felt cheated.  I felt like I didn't get to get to know any of the characters well enough to *really* care.  And even though the stakes were high and horrible things happened I just... never felt any urgency or fear for the characters.  The only characters I really had any strong feelings about were the blogger Alan (HAAAAATE), and the husband of the first victim.  I can't remember his character's name, but he was played by Matt Damon.  I felt for him, losing his family and trying to keep his daughter safe.  And when he broke down after finding the camera and looking at the last pictures taken of his wife... oh, god.

Good, but not great, I guess.

And it still makes me laugh a bit when I remember that when the movie came out, Rico was sick, and people were joking with him on Twitter that he should go to a packed showing of the movie.

I suck at reviewing, can you tell? ;)

Any one else see these and have an opinion?

david paetkau, movies, enrico colantoni

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