
Jun 17, 2012 20:48


Finished working my 7 days/70 hrs week with little to no sleep each day... plus a freakin' bee/wasp/hornet/whatever buzzy flying stinging thing welt.  I'm not like, hospital allergic or anything, but I have a slightly worse than normal reaction.  And the sting was in an awful place.  Like, if you put your arms behind you, one low one high, and try to touch.... that spot you can't reach?  That's where it stung me.

And then Friday when I was about at my limit some idiot kept calling me and leaving voice messages saying, "hello?  Hello?"  Idiot.  I almost called them back to say "If you dial this number again I will hunt you down and murder you."  But then I thought that might get me into a bit of trouble.

And today I woke up at 2 am and couldn't get back to sleep, and then had to do Father's Day stuff.


Just thought you all should know.


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