meme - 7 things

Mar 13, 2012 07:54

[Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.]

My seven things, from surreallis 
Canada, potato chips, ebooks, trout, rain, white, ears


Hahahaha.  I literally LOL'ed at that one.  And no, Canadians on my flist, I don't mean that in a bad way. ;)

I seem to have a lot of love for Canada.  My two favorite shows are Flashpoint and Rookie Blue.  And the three artists msot likley getting the heaviest play on my computer are Serena Ryder, Hawksley Workman, and the Arka Teks.

I've only been there a few times, and it's been YEARS.  I'd like to go again.  I'd love to see more of the Great Lakes.  I think they're beautiful.  And Lake Michigan and the dunes are gorgeous, only an hour and a half, maybe two hours away.  And yet my family would rather drive 18 hours to Florida.  One day, I hope to have enough money to plan my own vacation, and there's a good chance I would go north instead of south.

Likely it goes back to when I was like, 13 or 14 and discovered L.M. Montgomery.  =)  I haven't read her books in a while, but I plan to read some of them again this summer.  I think I have all of them.  I should check on that.  I love love love loved Anne of Green Gables, and the Emily series.  I loved The Blue Castle so much I bought another copy and sent it to a friend just because I thought she'd like it.  Because of the Anne series I've wanted to go to Prince Edward Island for years.  It's likely that if I won a trip and could go anywhere in the world, I'd say "PEI!!!!"

Potato Chips

Hmmm.... I love salty food, and sometimes I CRAVE them.  But often... I pass.  But I will never pass up a jalapeno cheddar chip.  And some people think it's totally weird, but I love putting them on sandwiches sometimes.


Neutral, I guess?  I like holding a book, but I think if I had an ereader I'd probably read more.  I haven't read many books lately.  I have a cousin who's bitter about ebooks because she likes the experience you get from a real book.

My tiny video/mp3 player has an ebook feature, which makes me laugh.  The screen is TINY and you think I'm gonna read a whole book that way??


it's a fish.

I don't know... sometimes we have it in the grocery stores here and I think I should try it, but.... I hate cooking fish.


I like rain.  Hate really bad thunderstorms, but a light to heavy rain without lightning and cloud rotations is fine with me.  I like how the air feels after the rain, and hearing the birds again after it stops.  But since I don't have a car, I do hate the mud afterwards.

Working thirds, I really like it when it's dreary and rainy.  So much easier to sleep.  My customers will complain about the weather, but I think, "YES!!"  Unless I'm off, then I want it to be nice at least part of the day.


I don't wear white.  I don't like waiting until I have a load of white clothes so I can use bleach to keep them looking nice.  Plus I don't think I look good in white.  Also, when you have big boobs it's really easy to get food on the front of your shirt, and white just magifies that.


I... don't think about ears much.

I like hearing, I would miss music.

I like earrings, used to make them.  Have a jewelry sensitivity, and a lot of times when the package says they're made for sensitive ears and are nickel free... I think they lie.  My ears still get red and itchy.  Bastards.

So there's my random thoughts. ;)  Comment and I'll send you a list!

Tonight is going to be a fun night.  I tried to stay awake yesterday but I woke up at midnight and wasn't able to get back to sleep.  I won't be able to nap and I have to go in to work at 4pm and work until 10pm.  So it's another 24 hour day for me, most likely.

random, meme

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