teeeveee, lots of teevee, mostly old

Feb 02, 2012 19:01

So I've been lazy and streaming netflix and hulu.

I need to get out.  But going out is... expensive.  I do want to go ice skating, for some reason.  I haven't been since I was 11 or 12 and I fell backwards onto another girl's skate.  I guess if that happens again at least it will distract me from the pain in my head for a while.

Anyway... teevee.

The X-Files

I've been rewatching it for a while now.  I breezed through seasons 1-3, but 4 and now 5 have been tough going.  It's still good, mostly, at this point, but some of the episodes are harder because they're more emotional.  Right now I'm up to the Scully torture/angst fest that is Chrismas Carol/Emily, and it's hard to watch.  Good, but hard to watch.  I love Scully.

Also?  I still despise Post Modern Prometheus.  And it's not just a knee-jerk reaction since I'm from Indiana and they portrayed the town as full of idiots.  It's obvious Chris Carter just looked at a map and picked a name without doing research on the town, though, because Bloomington is not *that* tiny.  Nor is it full of idiots who don't understand science, like the mad scientist declared.  It's the home of Indiana University, which has both a med school and a law school.

I dislike it because it totally handwaves the fact that the women were violated against their will.  Whether they wanted children or not, or kept the children or not... it just... no.  Drugging women and impregnating them while they're knocked out I dislike, even in a "fantasy" episode.  Just... no.  NO, thanks.

Law and Order:  SVU

I can't even... this show often leaves me speechless.   And not in a good way.  Although the episode with the guy from major case who was trying to capture the serial killer with Elliot was pretty good, I thought.  Could have been better, but still kept my interest more than most of the season 10 episodes.

I just watched the episode that was their version of the Caylee Anthony case, but with a "twist" of course.  What the hell was that?  Like the core story isn't interesting enough, have potential enough to be a good case, you have to throw in trying to convict someone of negligent homicide because they don't vaccinate their kids?  I agree, it's a bad idea, and that the link to autism and vaccinations seems to not be as strong as first thought.  BUT... isn't the risk of getting sick something that comes with... you know... being alive?

I swear to god sometimes watching that show is like watching some weird kind of "After School Special" for adults.  (Am I dating myself with that reference?  ;)  )

Man V. Food

I need to stop watching this show.  It is not good for the waistline.

Also... I don't get the challenges.  I like spicy, but if you can't taste because your tongue is numb, what's the point, really?  And who needs to eat a 4lb. grilled cheese sandwich??  Sometimes I can't help but wonder just how bad the.... um... after effects are.  I mean... that challenge had over 3 lbs of cheese... that sounds like it would eventually be... painful.

I don't think it's a coincidence that when they show the wall of fame for challenge winners in the restaurants that 95% of the pictures are of dudes.

He-Man and She-Ra

I wanted to watch a few episodes for nostalgia... but I keep watching.  God help me, I even went to ff.net to look for fanfic!  I didn't end up reading anything, but... should I be this into these particular cartoons at this stage in my life?  I think not.  ;)  I'd get it more if I were generally a person who liked fantasy/unicorns/magic/stories that take place on another planet that's strangely advanced while medieval at the same time, but I don't.

Also, when I was little, I was all about She-Ra, rarely watched He-Man.  Now?   Like He-Man more.  Teela is pretty awesome for an 80's female cartoon character.  And I can't help but giggle every time Adam, in his pink and purple outfit, talks about the "fabulous powers" in the show intro.  Hee.  Yes, I'm still partly twelve.  But I think Prince Adam and Bow from She-Ra would make a "fabulous" couple.


Well, I've watched a few episodes of the next season without Sunny and Brooke... and I'm not impressed.  I really dislike Nicole, and find her character horribly unbelievable as an FBI agent, even in a series where I already do a lot of handwaving on the police work.  Of course she's sassy, and fabulous, and kicks ass while wearing stilettos.

Yeah, I'm not sure even Mark Consuelos's smile can convince me to keep watching.  And that's saying a lot because that man?  Pretty.

So... that's the tv shows I've been watching.  Of actual shows that are airing right now, I've been keeping up with Bones and The Finder.  I don't know how I feel about Bones anymore, but I adore the Finder, which means it will probably be cancelled.  I have no idea how it's doing, but I like it.  It's quirky and weird without going into batshit crazy, and I like that.  I love an actor who can spend a scene making a hat out of straws and marschino cherries, and then put it on and say "that guy is weird" with complete sincerity. ;) Plus, he's nice to look at.

I need me a life.

x-files, mvf, ramblings, svu, missing, bones, cartoons, the finder

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