halloween meme

Oct 25, 2011 08:17

okay, so the icon has nothing to do with Halloween, but I like it and I never use it.

I know I have some stuff to respond to and beta, but I'll get to that later, sorry!

I used to love Halloween, but this year, I could care less.  So I'm posting this to maybe get me to enjoy the season more.  Stolen from plastichangers

1) Would you say that you are easily scared? List your fear level on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being a MAJOR scaredy cat!

I don't know, a 5 maybe?  Most people think I'm crazy to work the job/hours I do.  I get asked all the time if I'm scared at work. 
Not usually, although the times I am, it's pretty scary.  I'm really wary of people, especially men, who ask if I'm alone in the store.

2) What are the three things that scare you the most?
Snakes, spiders,  drowning

3) Have you ever seen a ghost? And if so, were you frightened?

Not seen.  One time I was home alone reading a book and I felt like someone put a hand on my shoulder.  And the only thing behind me was a wall.  that was... unnerving.  I don't know what happened, but it took me a while to go back into that room.

4) What are the top 3 scariest movies that you have ever seen?
I don't usually watch horror movies but I guess I'd say Paranormal Activity (NEVER watching that one again, and I watched it during the day!), The Ring, and.... drawing a blank.  Can I cheat and use the Squeeze/Tooms episodes of the X-Files?  The name Eugene Victor Tooms still makes me shudder a bit.

5) What are the top 3 scariest books that you have ever read?
Can't think of any.  I've been in a crime/mystery/true crime rut forever.  Although last fall I bought a book full of 'true' ghost stories called the Haunting of America" or something like that.  Some of those stories scared me.  I had to stop reading it at night.

There was one story about a area of woods that was haunted and people reported driving along a pond and stopping because a wagon drawn by horses with a guy driving them would come up out of the water and cross the road.  For some reason I got a very vivid image of that in my head and can't quite shake it.

6) Out of the following, which one do you think has the highest scare factor: Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman, The Mummy or none of them?
Vampires are pretty scary,. so Dracula? I don't know.

7) Which one of the following acts of Nature scare you the most: Tornados, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Lightning Storms, Blizzards...?

All of the above?  Hmmm... haven't been through a tornado, scared of that.  Seriously, if one hit my apartment?  I'd be screwed.  No hurricanes here, but my Dad has been through one.  He said the eye was really creepy, because everything just stopped and it was dead quiet.  For living in the midwest, I've actually been through like, 3 or 4 earthquakes.  Only really felt one, though, it woke me up.  But the thought of being trapped under rubble?  Lighting scares me too... but I guess I'll go with volcano because it's not like you can outrun it or anything.

8) Lots Of Gore - or - Subtle, Psychological Scares? Which is the *bigger* scare for you?
psychological.  Don't let me see it, let me think of what it looks like, more often than not that will freak me out more than special effects.  Probably why I like "thrillers" more than outright 'horror'

9) What do you think is the scariest way to die is?
I have a fear of being buried alive or drowning.

10) Would you ever spend the entire night - by yourself - in a house that was reported to be "authentically" haunted?

Not sure.  I think I'd like to be brave and say yes, but then chicken out.

11) Do you get scared when you visit staged Haunted Houses - that you pay admission for?

Haven't been to one since I was like, 19 maybe?  I ended up more freaked out by the guys in teh werewolf masks trying to feel me up.  Always a werewolf mask, so appropriate costume, I guess.

12) Do you *enjoy* getting the boo-boo-gee-bees scared out of you?
Intentionally, because of a book,movie, etc yes.  Randomly in RL?  no.

13) Which scares you more: a really scary book - or - a really scary movie?

14) Does the thought of aliens scare you? Have you ever had a close encounter?
They used to, and no.  When I was like, 11 or 12 Unsolved Mysteries was on tv and really big at the time with my friends and I.  We'd freak out over the alien stories and then check out books from the school library on aliens until a teacher freaked out and banned us from the alien and occult books.  Which were all pretty tame.

15) Are you afraid of bugs? If so, what is the bug that absolutely creeps you out the most?
Spiders are evil.  ick.  There was one the other day in my apartment on the ceiling... baby tarantula.  Big, black, probably furry.  In my mind it was furry.  I put every hose attatchment I could on my vacuum so I didn't have to get close... and it made that 'thunk' noice when something big gets sucked up.  It was gross.

And then I felt so stupid because I thought I was getting a little better at being able to tolerate and kill spiders until I saw something black move on the sweeper and I screamed.  It was the zipper swinging on the vacuum bag.

16) If you had a choice, and you HAD to pick one of the following; would you rather be: a) Eaten alive, b) Burned alive or c) Buried alive?
Those are my choices?  Um.... in that scenario buried I guess.

17) What is the grossest, scariest thing you have ever eaten (or drank)?
Nothing I can think of.  When I was 12 I ordered a softshell crap sandwich, thinking it'd be like lump meat on a roll, but it was an actually crab deep fried whole and put on the roll.  I didn't eat that, my mom traded me lunches.  She said it was good.  I'll take her word on it.

18) Have you ever visited a graveyard at night? And if so, have you ever laid down upon one of the graves?
I walk in one regularly, it's next to my apartment complex and the closest thing I have to a park and I've often thought am I brave enough to go there after the sun goes down, but no. I'm not.  And I have never laid on a grave.  that's weird.

19) Do Ouija boards scare you?

20) Abandoned Haunted House - or - Abandoned Insane Asylum... which one is scarier?
Both, neither?  I don't know.

21) Do you enjoy scaring others?

22) What is the best scary prank you have pulled on someone?

23) Have you ever seen an actual dead body; firsthand - and not including at funerals?
No.  Although one time I did develop a roll of film at work and when i went to put the prints in the envelope the one on top was a dead body.  That's always stuck with me.  I flipped through the pics and put that on bottom so it wasn't the first picture they saw.  It was obviously a guy who had gotten sick and gone home to die.  I just can't imagine wanting that to be your last picture of the person.

I also used to develop a lot of pictures of people standing by open caskets and smiling... like it was a normal family portrait.  I really hope that's just a sort of reflex reaction of 'oh, camera, smile!" rather than "so glad this bastard's dead!"

24) Is there any music that creeps you out? If so, what is it?
The music used on the Buffy episode with the gentlemen.

25) Is there any piece of art that creeps you out? If so, what is it?
Nothing I can think of.

26) What creature do you think is the scariest of all? (No make-believe creatures please).
Snakes.   On netflix on watch instantly they have a show called 1000 ways to die and for some reason I thought it'd be a good idea to watch.... it wasn't.  The first episode had a guy die because he fell on a rattlesnake and it bit him, which they demonstrated, and then demonstrated milking the venom, and then held a snake, mouth open, right in front of the camera while going on and on about toxins.  And the next story was about a guy who was bit by his pet black widow spider.  I will NEVER watch that show again.

27) Do you think that you could ever stand by and watch a mortician prepare a body for burial without getting scared, creeped out or physically sick?

maybe.  It'd either be disgust or morbid curiosity.

28) Do you have many nightmares? If so, what would you say is your worst one?

when I was little it was that there was a snake in the bed with me.  Now i sometimes dream I wake up in my apartment and there's a guy across the room watching me.

29) Do dolls, puppets or clowns scare you?

I find them creepy, not scary.  Clowns more so than puppets or dolls

30) And finally.... what is the best scary story of something that has happened to you?
See above, home alone, phantom hand on shoulder.... freaked the fuck out.... yeah.


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