"Did he say asshat?" Flashpoint 1x03 The Element of Surprise

Sep 26, 2011 00:32


More of my comments on episodes from ages ago.

As usual, a great episode, in my opinion.  There are few episodes of this show that I dislike, and even then, I don't think they're bad, they just didn't grab me, you know?  It's not like the X-Files, where when it was awesome, it was awesome, but when it was bad it was... indescribably bad.  Like, Amish shapeshifting pheremone secreting aliens who live in underground honeycombs bad.  Over a decade later and that episode still periodically has me scratching my head.

Anyway, I digress.  Back to Flashpoint.  This episode makes me think of how good the show is with continuity.  There are some slipups here and there.  Brian from Acceptable Risk, Spike's disappearing sibling and nephew... but usually, it's really good.  This show is the show that orginally had Naismith, who went off the rails in A Better Man.  Although in this episode Wordy is friends with Geddes, and it makes me wonder if they wanted to use Geddes in A Better Man but used Naismith instead because the guy who played Geddes is now Sam Swarek on Rookie Blue.  Also, Ben Bass playing undercover scruff with longish hair?  Still hot.  Would rather see him with Swarek hair, but still... damn.

There are some episodes that, when I watch them again, part of me is wishing a character would make a different decision.  This is one of them.  Oh, Jackson!  Another one that comes to mind is that poor kid in Aisle 13.  I so wish he'd ditched Donnie and gone home.

Alright, on to my random thoughts from the episode....

I'm not a JAM fan, but the "Jules, its' just a burrito," scene is one of the few JAM moments I do like.  Her reaction after he walks away always makes me laugh.

There's a great moment before the rehearsal for the warrant they're gonna serve where Jules and Spike are smiling to themselves like "WE HAVE THE BEST JOB EVER!"  hee.

I don't really want to go into detail about the Sam storyline here, but in retrospect, knowing what we do about Sam now, there are lots of moments that are pretty sad.  The guy who probably used to be a friend harassing him over something that wasn't even his fault and he had enough survivor's guilt over anyway?  Bastard.

That conversation gave us a great reason to love Ed, though.  "I don't do innuendo.  You got something to say, say it."

We get a bit of Wordy backstory in this episode, he partnered with Harlan Geddes at 21 division, and they still hang out.

I love Greg, when he gets out of the SUV when they get to the parking garage, he gets out and says "Greetings."  Not hey, or hi.  "Greetings."

I SO want to know what the deal is between Greg and Naismith.  It's obvious they really don't like each other.  Naismith is also the name of the guy they make fun of in Scoprio at the beginning, talking about how his last "big score" ended up being a couple of kids with a couple of joints.

My favorite moment in the episode, though?  The 'asshat' exchange.  heheheheheh.  It's a great moment for me.   I love the Greg/Ed friendship and that moment cracks me up.  It's like Ed and Greg dislike Naismith and between the use of "asshat" and his not laughing at Greg's joke they can't resist ripping into him a little once he walks away.  Probably partly because I get the impression Naismith takes himself way too seriously.   That moment is so funny to me because it's like you can see it in Greg's face that he can't wait to bring up the remark.

"Did he say asshat?"
"He said asshat."

Is it just me, or are teh two 'thugs' on the street harassing Jackson totally non-threatening?

"Because when you're the democratically elected team leader you get to make autocratic decisions."  hee.

"Be careful, children."  awww, Greg.

Seriously, is Ben Bass ever not hot?

Was that an "Are You Being Served?" reference from Spike in the elevator?

I love how irritated Greg is when Naismith gets into the SUV with him.  "You know, I'm good here.  You want to go check on your guys," is apparently Greg-speak for I'd really like for you to get the hell away from me.

"How come we can never get along?"  How much of an 'asshat' do you have to be to not get along with Greg? ;)

Ben Bass really does a great job, yu can really tell how desperate Geddes wants to get Jackson out.  Although the 'tell my wife i love her' scene is a little over done, I think.

Greg is very patient with people who yell at him to go tactical and he won't.  I don't know if I agree with him every time he won't go tactical, but I get wanting to hold off until you absolutely have to.  That's also part of the beauty of this show, it's not always black and white, you know?

This isn't the first time I've noticed a binder clip on the back of Greg's vest, and I'm stumped as to the reason.

Geddes I think I'm dying scene and Wordy's kinda anguished "Eddie!" from outside the apartment... GAH!

I get Sam here, because being a soldier I bet fellow soldiers were priority one, but here the civilian is.

And Jackson... GAH!  Don't die!

I love Wordy losing it a bit ,and Greg stopping him.  "Kevin, where are you going?"

Sam is probably being too apathetic for Ed with is "too bad about the kid" and the snotty "how else was it gonna end?"  Totally pissed Ed off, and I dont' blame him.  The shove, I don't think that's something he resorts to a lot.  I get why Ed was pissed off at Sam, but I also understand Sam struggling with not being in charge and the priority of life code.  You'd think, though, he'd be better at, you know, following orders.  "Treat me like I'm on your team."  He has a point, but he's also the rookie and during a call is not the time to challenge unless absolutely necessary, and that wasn't the case here.

And the end, with the sister smiling and all hopeful about Jackson as she pulls the stuffed animal from the mailbox, and Ed walking up to do the death notification?  GAAAH.  Oh, Jackson....

This episode ended with a song by Hey Rosetta, who are awesome.  =)

greg parker, x-files, sam braddock, flashpoint, ed lane, wordy

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