Ipso facto, columbo oreo

Sep 17, 2011 20:59

I used to love Bones.  LOVE it.  I stil like it.  I'm happy to have Hulu to keep up with it, because god knows with my work schedule it's nearly imossible to keep up with a show live.

HOWEVER.  I have issues with it.  I often feel like they keep Brennan more emotionally stunted than maybe she should be, because of comic relief opportunities.  And it bothers me whenever she geeks out and is joyful about anthropology or science or museum exhibits and everyone around her acts like it's the most bizarre thing ever, and she's a freak.  HELLO.  She's a forensic anthropologist, a scientist.  This is what she does, and she works in a museum.  Just like a majority of the rest of the characters.  That puzzles me about the show sometimes, tbh.

The Booth/Bones thing has been dragged out way too long, but I don't run screaming at the mention of Hannah, and I don't hate her.  I liked the character, I thought she was fun.  I didn't want her with Booth, but I liked her.

Season 6, the one episode I really loved, I mean, LOVED, was 'The Doctor in the Photo'.  I hadn't watched the show regularly at all this past season, and I happened to catch a preview with Hart Hanson talking about the episode, about how it was different than anything they'd done, and it was a Brennan episode, so I decided to make a point of watching it.  I LOVED IT!  I'm no longer a member of any bones communities, so I don't know if my opinion is the same as the fandom at large, but I thought it was beautifully done, and compelling, and made me really feel for Brennan again.  It was great.

And, as a bonus, it guest starred Enrico Colantoni.  Which I didn't know when I decided to catch it.  When I saw his name in the guest starring credits I was really excited.  And then scared because I was afraid he'd be the killer. ;)  But he wasn't, he was a night security guard at the Jeffersonian, Micah.  I adore Micah.  I want Micah to come back in season 7 for an ep.  He was fun, and really very very great with Brennan.  He was very good at talking to her, and wasn't condescending to her like even her friends can be.  I like Emily Deschanel and Enrico Colantoni together.  A lot.  And I loved the "ipso facto columbo oreo" exchange, and the fact that Brennan actually used it later in a conversation with Booth!

And at the end, when he said everyone has their own sad story, and walked off... all I could think was... that's what's going to happen to Greg Parker when he finally loses his shit and has to retire. ;)  He's gonna move, get a night security job at a museum so he can just attend lectures for free.  Not that I felt like I was watching him play Parker on another show, because he wasn't playing Parker, Micah is definitely a different character, and he's a better actor than that, but still.. I could see it. ;)

greg parker, bones, enrico colantoni

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