EC as a Serial Killer

Aug 29, 2011 14:18

I should be doing something useful today. Laundry, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning off my desk...

I should be working out because I signed up for a race that's less than a month away.

I should be working on fic, 'cause I have ideas!

What am I doing? Watching Netflix's watch instantly. Because I am LAZY. Well, and I have a headache that won't go away, but still, I should be a little more productive.

So I'm continuing watching stuff that Enrico Colantoni is in. This show, called Missing, is about a psychic who helps the FBI find people, had both EC and Michael Cram appear. Not in the same ep, though. That would have been kinda awesome.

Anyway, the episode description for EC's ep was called "white whale" and was about a serial killer who'd gotten away from the lead FBI agent in the past. I hesitated, thinking, 'he plays a serial killer, doesn't he? Do I want to see that?'

I think, the answer might be no. I've watched the first 5-10 minutes, and he's already creeping me out. Big time. eeeee. He's like, this crazy American Lit college professor, who didn't get convicted of killing a bunch of people, and may have kidnapped his ex-wife. He's obsessed with the book Moby Dick. I had to stop in the middle of this weird scene where they were recreating a scene from the book and he played every character, and was also at the same time playing the crazy killer. It's hard to describe. And creepy as hell. eee.

He really can get to me. When I watched the episode of Numbers that he guested on, and he was squirrly crazy and taking people hostage and flipping out, I had a hard time with that, too. He played paranoid gunman really well.

The only other actor I can think of that can get to me this way is maybe Kathryn Erbe. Eames was like, my BFF on LOCI and when she'd cry on that show or in anything else that I'd watch her in, it was practically guaranteed that I'd be crying too.

Okay, I'll shut up now. I need to try to nap again and hope the headache finally goes away. I'm sure after that I'll finish that ep and be totally freaked out.

kathryn erbe, enrico colantoni

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