Hey, Flashpoint fanatics out there... Greg, Ed, Wordy backstory, and EC

Aug 18, 2011 20:44

Hey, I've been thinking.  As I started serious work on my fic, I watched the first few minutes of "Haunting the Barn" again, and I think my backstory theories have changed a bit. So I'm posting... also if anyone is online and wants to chime in to help me out, please do so. :-)

Ed hugs Daniel, but Greg just shakes his hand.  Part of that could definitely be Greg is much more reserved than Ed.  But I'm changing my theory now that Greg was SRU first.  I think Ed was first.  I think he was friends with Greg and Wordy, but maybe Wordy and Greg weren't friends until Wordy joined SRU.  I think they could have known each other through Ed, but hadn't really had a chance to get to know each other until they worked together.

In other news... I've been watching The Kennedys miniseries, because EC was in it.  It's really good.  I don't know a ton about the family so I'm not going to make any judgements on historical accuracy, but it is really good.

Anyway... I thought when EC gained weight it had to be for a role and I think it was for this.  He played J. Edgar Hoover.  I haven't seen all of his scenes yet, but he really disappears into the role.  Really good.  I like him because there's something likeable about him to me, and I enjoy watching him.  He plays an asshole, and I still like him.  But playing old J. Edgar?  I hate him.  And I like that I hate him. ;)  I would recommend this... Greg Kinnear is good, too, and so is Tom Wilkinson.

greg parker, flashpoint, enrico colantoni, ed lane, wordy

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