flashpoint and rl stuff

Jun 21, 2011 13:14

So apparently Flashpoint returns July 8th.  Awesome.  So looking forward to that. =)

I have also spent time on CTV's Flashpoint website, and looked at the game, and it will let me acess it, and it looks fun.  I'm doing that after this. ;)  It won't let me watch episodes, which is not surprising.  I hoped it would, but no.  It will show me commercials before the episode would normally start, for products I can't buy in the states.  What's the point if it can detect where I'm accessing the internet from?

I think tonight I will work on fanfic and maybe post some fic recs.  I have found some good Flashpoint fics on ff.net that I want to share links for.

If I get really motivated this week I may even attempt to make screen caps  and try my hand at icons.  I really want one of Parker in his pink shirt that says real men wear pink. =)

In RL... anyone know how to drop 50 lbs?  ::overly dramatic sigh::  I'm still trying to be fit enough to join the military but I'm having set backs.  Honestly, at this point, just being fit enough to know I could pass the physical requirements in boot would make me happy, whether I join or not.  I timed my mile and a half on the dreadmill and elliptical the past few days... not pretty.  I gotta really train to run.  I think if I can just get rid of a bit more of my belly I could go a lot faster.

I know I need to stop worrying so much about how much further I have to go and concentrate on how far I've come, considering I'm much smaller and my shorts from last year are falling off me, but I focus too much on how far away the finish line is.  I can't really appreciate how far I've come.  Logically, I know I've accomplished something, but emotionally?  I don't feel it.

ok, I'll stop whining now.

rl, flashpoint, fitness

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