halloween weekend

Nov 01, 2004 14:50

whelp my halloween weekend was really fucking sweet. friday i had work and i was late but not that late. late enough for them to change my schedule so i don't have to be there that early anymore. i love that part about the job. i wasn't trying to take advantage of the situation but it is pretty sweet when you start a new job and the 1st three times you show up late they don't yell at you they change your schedule so you aren't late anymore. anyway so after work on friday i hung out with nick and traci. we went to the diner and all that. had a blast. then they dropped me off at home and i got a call from nina and then went to a different diner with her and jeff. it was fun. on saturday morning i woke up a bit late but not too bad. pulled together a costume for the party that night with the help of nick and traci. you'll see in the pictures below what i went as. the party was at nick's friends house in red bank. it was a blast. all the peeps there were cool. just a good old time.
me nick and traci
me and traci. if you didn't figure out what my costume was, i'm bruce "the boss" springstein!!!!
traci was a maid. obviously
nick was slash from guns and roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he had to chug some whiskey. it was part of the costume.
slash hanging w/paul from WAF?
John Cusak was at the party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam, what about frank?'s drummer, made a very convincing whore.
jay playing some beer pong. and a dude(i forget his name) dressed up as paul from WAF? it was a good time.
mark, frank?'s singer, made an awesome frodo. him and his gf were really really cool, that night was the first time i really talked to either of them, other than saying whats up to mark a few times at WAF? shows and stuff.
Say anything. soory it's blurry but the back lighting was weird. then on sunday i had work at 12. i was 10 minutes EARLY!!!!!! went to work dresses as Bruce. the coworkers liked it, especially John, i walked in to work and he just started cracking up. then i went to Jess' house and hung out with her and Nina, then Kim and April came over and we hung for a bit. then they were off to the club and i went home and watched "house party 2"
hardxcore nina
april, jess, and kim
jess grinding on flippy!!!
nina and jess
nina and myself
jess and i. anyway i had a great weekend, i'm off today and really bored. oh well. later kids
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