Nov 18, 2004 12:02
Sorry I havent posted in a few days. Work has been very fast paced.
It seems every Judge in the county wants to clear they're dockets before the holiday And me being the only Rover in the whole Jail. The Rover you ask? well the rover has the job with the most freedom to move around the Jail. Usually every floor has one, but this week everybody must have seen the diluge of business coming and called off Slick, I mean Sick.
So it was up to me to deliver over 100 inmates to the courts..single handedly, 10 at a time. and It only took me an hour and a half. on average a day.
Home is good a bit exhausted from work but doing o.k. I hung the outside holiday lights up this morning and started the dishes thats about it yet. I stayed up late chatting on line, and slept in till 10 today. I still have to excercise and put away my comics. from the past 2 months.
Going to be a busy day..I'll straighten up the house through the night.
My fev message Board Joe is down for some reason. It was removed from the server : (
Hope it isnt permenant. I met alot of cool peeps on there.
and now I am Updating this Journal.
Going to Mid Ohio convention to see about getting a White Queen Sketch from Adam Hughes, see if I can get John Byrne to Add something to the Collage, and Hang Out With Sean Mckeever if he has the time.
Looking forward to that, Havent been on a road trip with Corey in about 2 years so this ought to be interesting.
Then Going back to Columbus on the 4th of Dec. for Susan's Companies Christmas Party.
Strange things are afoot at the circle
See ya all later
Harry " Loiosh" Muntz