Oct 27, 2004 14:30
It seems that my loyal fans (oh, make that my ONE loyal fan) are demanding that I update my Blog. So here it is on the one month anniversary of my last post.
Note to Courtney: Yes, I did wait to update for wednesday on purpose. I wanted to see how far you would go... I heard you came looking for me twice today.
So, what is going on in my life. I'm still training for my 5k race and I have managed not to kill my trainer. She has pretty much left me to my own devices but it seems that she has brainwashed me into hearing her voice every time I have a craving for ice cream. Please, someone tell me what Ice Cream tastes like... I could seriously cry about now knowing that I have to go run and not eat ice cream. My trainer has just informed me that if I run a 5K within 30 minutes then she will take me on a hike to the Appalachian Trail (ummmm... pain for more pain---at least it will be scenic). So, according to everyone, the workouts seem to be working. I think I've gone down a size and a half. Of course, Gap jeans can make any woman depressed so I'm not going to tell you what size I am right now.
Let's see...Oh, work. That's a laugh and a half. I've thought about quitting a dozen times and came close to it about three. But each time I think about how this really isn't the time to become self-rightious and get fired when the economy is down the toilet.
Note to self: Do not in any way shape or form mention the economy, the election, or the candidates because I'm sick of defending my position and I've received enough crap from everyone else on how I'm completely wrong. Well everyone can just kiss this...
Oh, my social life. I could write a boring book about my social life. Except this would be one of the good chapters. I'm going to a Halloween party this weekend at which there are sure to be at least a dozen gorgeous guys and football players. Yummmmm.... football players. It's going to be hot and fun because it's all about Latin dancers and did I mention football players. Ok, I'm not obsessed with football players just that I like looking at them. Do you hear that guys, girls look at you and size you up like your were a pack of meat - does it sound familiar. I should hope so. But as much as I'm going to have fun looking at the football players there is this one guy... be still my heart (to be continued).
So the second chapter in my social life will be about this blind date. If you read my last post you will know that the last one of those didn't exactly work out. So this guy Allen sounds pretty good and according to my sister, easy on the eyes. I'm looking forward to it and at the same time dreading it. Oh, man, dating is the ultimate necessary evil. I can't believe we have to subject ourselves to this type of torture, but as long as there are football players to look at, why complain.
Alright, boys and girls, this is my update for now. I should be giving you an update on the party after this weekend. Wish me luck...cute guys coming my way. Oh, any suggestions on what I should wear???