Traveling the world

Apr 25, 2009 09:24

Apparently I haven't really mentioned this on my LiveJournal, but dearanxiety and I are quitting our jobs and traveling for a little over a year, starting in a little over a week.

We're hoping to meet up with plenty of people along the way. Our itinerary looks kind of like this:
May: drive across the South of the US
June: hang out in Ohio, go to Bonnaroo, Sharon's sister's wedding
half of July: relax by the beach in New Jersey, minor east-coast visiting
mid July - mid November: visit friends, family and random places in Europe
last half of November: Sharon's brother's wedding, relax by the beach in Florida, thanksgiving
December - January: Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan
February: Ghana
March: Kenya / Uganda / Rwanda (including a gorilla safari)
April - June: Australia including Aaron and Nicola's wedding, Perth, Margaret River, WA road trip, Melbourne, Sydney
half of July: New Zealand

and then home, poor, skinny, unemployed.


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