Please help support the defeat of Proposition 8

Oct 28, 2008 00:26

My friend Adam just posted about why he feels so strongly about defeating California's Proposition 8. He expresses why this is so important more eloquently than I can, but I completely share his conviction that this is the single most important issue being decided by Californians in this election. Yes, more important than choosing the next President. It's a fundamental basic human rights issue and we're at serious risk of losing to the forces of hatred and ignorance.

Please, help us defeat prop 8. Help us protect all Californians' right to marry who they want, regardless of religion, race, age, gender or orientation. As Adam said:
  1. If you live in California, please vote NO on Proposition 8.  If you're thinking to yourself, "I already was going to do that," then please consider doing either #2 or #3 also.  If your conscience simply does not allow you to do so, please abstain from voting on the measure.
  2. Talk to other people you know in California and ask them to vote no on Proposition 8.  Even if you know that they are voting no, please still talk to them and make sure that they vote.  If they don't live in California, they have friends or family who do!!  Please make sure to talk to the people who are most likely to vote yes and see if you can change their mind.
  3. Make a donation at
I'll add a final suggestion - volunteer to help out. I'm going to be volunteering on election morning, but there's a lot anyone in California can do with a few hours to spare.

marriage, politics

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