After all the complaints about the Iraqi government not doing enough to stop armed groups killing civilians they've taken a positive step. They've
revoked the license of Blackwater. Blackwater is a private military contractor, our nice newspeak term for mercenaries.
Since these mercenaries aren't bound by any rules of engagement or laws of war they're
typically fairly indiscriminate with their killings. The final straw was an incident where Blackwater gunmen guarding a US State Department convoy were frightened by a loud noise and began shooting randomly at civilians. Now they all have to go home, except for the employees who are accused of this most recent attack on civilians. They're going to face charges in Iraq.
Oh, and Blackwater was also contracted to assist in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. That went well.
Mercenaries on contract to coalition government seem to have been involved in much of the worst abuse in Iraq - from Fallujah to
Abu Ghraib. Up until now they've been operating entirely outside the law (kind of like Dick Cheney), not bound by American military codes and without Iraqi laws being enforced against them. It's a good sign for the future stability and accountability of Iraq for them to begin to be reigned in.